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Secure Your Businesses Energy Price's For The Future

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Secure Your Businesses Energy Price's For The Future

With the uncertainty towards the price of electricity for UK businesses (albeit the graph above shows clear certainty in one direction), electricity becoming an overhead that has to be firstly accepted as an increased cost not adding proportional value and secondly the impact managed on your P&L.

It bears the question ‘is there a way to manage this essential overhead any better’?

The short answer, YES! At LCS Energy, as energy reduction engineers we have access to the technology and the capital that provides you with clean, green and renewable electricity at a more stable, more cost effective, and more predictable price for the next 20 years. And can you believe it isn’t going to cost you a single penny to access it. Let us introduce you to our Solar PV Power Purchase Agreement (PPA).

PPA’s - How Does it Work?

With an LCS Energy Solar PV PPA, we install a Solar PV system on your property that generates clean energy for your business, it helps to reduce your carbon footprint, and your business gets cheaper electricity, the price you pay isn’t effected by the energy market rather it is RPI linked (offering further saving opportunity). Once the PPA comes to an end, the power generated by the system becomes free, and your business becomes the owner of the system. LCS Energy lead you through this whole process, from design, install and maintenance of the system, we handle it all.

This is all excellent news considering the certainty of the price increases of electricity moving forward, for business wishing to improve their bottom line without the capital expenditure, for businesses that are looking to swiftly reduce their carbon footprint and all with a company you can trust.

Main Benefits of a PPA System with LCS Energy

No capital outlay.

A supply of clean energy for your business.

Competitively priced energy (significant discounts on current and future energy prices).

Electricity at a stable and predictable price.


Other Options

LCS Energy are aware PPAs aren’t for every business, but don’t be alarmed there is help available towards most renewable energy projects that we offer, currently there are several funding options that can help your business move forward with a renewable energy project. Projects that will help reduce your energy consumption and cost, and LCS Energy are here to help you get there.

Grant funding and capital allowances mean you could receive a capital contribution of up to 50% of the project cost (we have seen some cases as high as 60%).

Finance options with 0% capital outlay.

Cost neutral investment opportunity.


By Paul Boylin 16 Apr, 2020
Supercharge your fleet
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